

I’m Lilias, Your Financial Stylist. I teach practical money management tips from a biblical perspective and am here to help you learn how to be a faithful steward over your finances, building a financial life that honors and glorifies God. 

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Use my 4 step budget process to get your budget up and running in less than two hours! 


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10 simple steps to being a faithful steward.


Want to know 10 easy steps to being a faithful steward over your money? 


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A little bit about me!


I started teaching financial literacy to fix my own  finances after making every mistake possible 

I’ve helped hundreds of women change their money mindset and start building new  financial habits that help them build discipline and will power so they can manage their money God's way! 


More about me

"I am so glad I decided to work with Lilias. I feel empowered by her knowledge on personal finance and the Word of  God. May He continue to bless her as she honors and shares His word."



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